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Celebrating 15 Years of Kitty Brown Boutique

We recently hit an incredible milestone in Carnforth - we celebrated an unbelievable,15 years of stocking beautiful clothing,

accessories and more recently footwear and we decided the best way to do this was to have a party! 

So, what makes a party we hear you say? Well, cake, bubbles, party bags, balloons and games is our answer! 

We had a plethora of flavoured butter iced cupcakes (Ella has a repetitive strain injury from so much icing 🤣), Prosecco, fizzy Elderflower for the drivers, a lucky dip, a chance to win up to £100 in Kitty Brown Boutique gift vouchers AND 10% OFF EVERYTHING!

A fantastic time was had by all who popped in to take part in the celebrations or even just to say 'Hello!' - it was delightful to see so many of Kitty's friends.

One of our lovely customers, Sue said....
'Amazing, the shop is amazing, there's a fabulous choice of everything and the fact you get an honest opinion to go along with it. It's just a lovely place to be a part of! Don't forget the accessories, they are fabulous from handbags to scarves through all the seasons and you don't feel pressured to buy, but you always do!' 
A second super customer, potentially the one who travelled the furthest to see us (from a Hebridean Island of the west coast of Scotland), said...
'It was an excellent day, everyone was in really, really good form, the atmosphere was lovely, the place was literally buzzing and the cupcakes weren't half bad either and bubbles whilst you shop? What more could a woman ask for?!' 
A reminder to all those who received one of our party bags - inside will contain the image below... the artwork was designed by Trueman. If you bring this with you, it will entitle you to 15% off a one time purchase within the month of June! 
A quick message from Caroline and Trueman...
'We are truly humbled and unimaginably grateful to all, for the support we have received over the years - and here's to the next fifteen?!'
The Kitty Brown Boutique family. X
Shirley Welton

Big congratulations!
Wishing Kitty Brown all the very best for the years to come.
I wish you were round the corner! Or at least the trains from London were reliable!

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